Internet Marketing Toronto: Post #9 Press Releases

Clive Lobo

Internet Marketing Toronto: Post #9 Press Releases

In our last post we talked about how the use of local directories can boost your local rankings. Today we’re talking about Press Releases.

Press Releases can be a very powerful tool in your local search engine optimization strategy. Specifically you want to create news about your company that is both interesting and geographically bound to Toronto (or any other location you are targeting). Most people are convinced that they have no news to issue as a press release. The reality is that all companies have something to say about themselves. Whether it’s new hires or new products or services. There is always something to say. In addition you can create news by responding to local events in a timely fashion. For example, if a small local disaster occurs as did here in Toronto this past weekend with the very large Propane Explosion which left thousands of people evacuated from their homes for more than 24 hours you could offer temporary help by offering supplies or shelter, or covering hotel bills for a family or two in need. This is certainly noble, newsworthy and good PR. The bottom line is that your company is likely not in short supply of newsworthy information.

Once you have a newsworthy idea to publish as  a Press Release you need to write it up. I’ve attached a very simple template to jump start your next press release. Write the story and be sure to target a specific related keyword, proof read it, and the publish it online. You can get away with using all of the free Press Release services most of the time. For those really newsworthy stories, those which you want to try and get picked up by mainstream media you need to opt for the paid services such as I’ve included URLs to some of the free PR sites below.

After you publish your press release you should be looking for three things:

  1. In Google you want to see if you’re PR is coming up on the first or second page for keywords associated with your Press Release.
  2. An increase in backlinks to your site as a result of the Press Release being picked up and published by other website.

Combined with the previous recommendations we’ve made in this series you’ll continue to see improved overall rankings for your geographically targeted keywords!

Free Press Release Sites

Downloads: Internet Marketing Toronto Press Release Template (MS Word .doc format)

Up next: Post #10: Backlink Development. Find out how to tie all of these activities together in a backlink development strategy!

Clive Lobo

Spark’s resident boss man, Clive possesses the very nature of an entrepreneurial spirit.

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