Why Are Testimonials So Important?

Ally Sondak

Today’s buyer is a lot more educated than his/her predecessor, conducting much more research before deciding to make a purchase. Gone are the days where your family, friends and neighbours were the main influence in what you bought and from where. People today are going online, searching for the product or service they are interested in, and reading customer reviews before making their purchasing decision.


Social Media

Social media has increased the importance of testimonials tenfold. Social traffic to websites increased dramatically in 2014 and is expected to climb even faster in 2015. Users are sharing information with one another in a social manner and reporting to each other on their experience via testimonials. It’s essentially the same as the conversations past generations had with each other, except now we are trusting multiple users of a product or service rather than just one or two people we know.

Your Company’s Website

Once a business gains a positive testimonial from a user, and adds it to their website, it helps create confidence in the brand. Sharing these customer reviews on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter or Google+, will mean that your existing audience will see these in their feeds. If they aren’t already paying customers, they may become more interested after reading another user’s review.


Since you can purchase ad space on social platforms like Facebook, you can target users via social media marketing who are interested in similar businesses and products. Seeing that you have good reviews will make these people more likely to follow your business on the network and consider buying in the future.

Testimonials add a sense of trust and serve potential buyers with a form of product proof. Being proactive at getting testimonials both on your site and social media platforms will not only showcase the quality of your product or service, but will also increase your chances of acquiring new business. So go ahead, and toot your own horn… people want to hear it! Any questions? Feel free to contact us.

marketing expert

Ally Sondak

Senior Account manager at Spark

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