As a business ower you need to remember to take a break from doing work and have a good look at your business!
As owners we’re laser focused on developing our business. Many things in the business compete for our attention and we try to work on them all. Developing new business, working on existing clients, hiring, marketing, collecting money, and more. After a while though you may realize that you’ve not worked on your business in a while. That’s why I’ve learned to do this one particular task atleast once a month.What is it?
Take a break from working and actually look at your business to see what’s going on. What’s working, what’s not. Are clients generally happy with the results their getting? How is your staff doing? Are they busy and motivated or bored and not challenged? All of these things are signals to you about how your business is doing. I happen to be more on the technical side of the business so here are the things that I like to do a reality check on at least once a month:
- Current Customers. Are your teams delivering for the customer you’ve already got? What challenges are they faced with and how can you help them?
- New Customers. Are your teams starting new business on time or are they too busy to get new projects going? Maybe you need to do some hiring.
- Your staff. How are your staff doing? Is anyone standing out as being stressed, overworked or bored? Pay attention to the signals and address issues head on. Be fair and blut but get to the point fast and help them out.
- Sales and Marketing. Is the sales team firing on all cylinders? Do they need more technical training or technical assistance in sales calls? Find out how they are doing and see what you ca do to help.
- Accounting. How is the accounting team doing? Are they accounting for all of the extra work you do that should be billed for? Find out and make sure they have what they need. Perhaps you have to change some internal processes?
Every business is different so you’ll likely have different areas you need to look into. I promise – if you take the time to look at your business you’ll be on a more direct path to growing a successful business sooner. By paying attention to what’s happening in your business you have the opportunityto proactivey drive it i the right direction instead of reacting to situations when they bubble over.
So, take a moment right now and schedule some time your calendar each month to take a break and do a reality check on your business.