Social Media Roundup

Jennifer Doyle

New This Week! April 21-25, 2014

linkedin mobile photo sharing


  • LinkedIn adds mobile photo sharing: Next time you snap a photo at a conference, work event, or in the workplace, forget Facebook – upload it to LinkedIn to share with your connections and improve your professional profile.
  • LinkedIn tops 300 million members: By the end of 2014, over half of LinkedIn’s global traffic will be generated from mobile devices, according LinkedIn’s senior VP of products and user experience, Deep Nishar.


facebook moves app


pinterest custom search



instagram explore tab


  • Instagram improves ‘Explore’ tab: Instagram will begin to display a variety of photos and videos liked by people you follow, in addition to content that is trending through the Instagram community.

Thoughts? Questions? Let us know!

Jennifer Doyle

Jennifer is Spark’s resident Communications Manager, assisting in the creation of social strategies and marketing campaigns for all of those in need of a helping social hand.

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