Social Media Roundup

Jennifer Doyle

New This Week! June 2-6, 2014

instagram tools


  • Instagram Adds 10 New Features, So Anyone Can Be a Photo Geek: Do you obsess over finding the perfect filter for your photo? Well now you can take that a step further with Instagram’s new editing tools that allow you to adjust contrast, brightness and saturation, the intensity of your chosen filter and more!

Facebook reviews


  • ‘Old’ Facebook Pages Layout Stressing Reviews: For those of you whose pages are still utilizing the old layout, you may have noticed a new emphasis on reviews. Pages now feature an ‘app’ displaying your average star rating, as well as each of your individual reviews submitted by customers or fans.
  • Facebook patent reveals plans for children to join the social network: Facebook is now reportedly planning a way to allow children less than 13 years of age to join the social network (legally). Now, instead of lying about their age, children under 13 will be able to join the network with parental approval and supervision, in compliance with the US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.



LinkedIn Profile Change


Are you excited for Instagram’s new photo editing tools?

Jennifer Doyle

Jennifer is Spark’s resident Communications Manager, assisting in the creation of social strategies and marketing campaigns for all of those in need of a helping social hand.

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