Business owners looking to improve their search engine optimization should get in the habit of writing new web content for their website.
It should come as no surprise, but then again, perhaps it will, that HTML text is the only way to get a website to rank in the search engines and even then only for the words you’ve written. Then why do so many business web sites have very little text and much of it does not speak specifically to the services that people are looking for with precisely the combination of keywords their using in the search engines? There really is no good reason other than the fact that most business owners create a website, and then forget about it. They consider it “finished” and no further work is necessary. The exact opposite is true. Once the website is created, it’s just the beginning of an ongoing process of reviewing analytics to fully understand your visitors behaviour and expectations and then writing new content or optimizing existing content to meet their expectations!
Here is a simple process you as a business owner can repeat every month and it will surely improve your rankings and decrease your bounce rates. Keep in mind this is just about content, and bounce rates – there is a lot more you can be doing besides this.
- Install analytics on your site – Google Analytics is free and easy to integrate
- After one month of collecting data review the analytics to understand which keywords they are using and what the bounce rate is for each keyword.
- For each keyword that has a bounce rate over 20%-25% you should identify which pages they are landing on for that keyword and then review the copy on that page.If the page is not really about that keyword – then create a new page (naming it with the keyword combination separating each work wit an underscore or hyphen). Make sure to mention the keyword in the title, description, H1, H2 and body content of the page.Link to this page from your home page using the keyword in question as “Anchor Text” to the new page.
- Repeat these steps for each keyword that has a bounce rate above 20%-25%.
- Wait another month, and start all over again at Step 2!
As you continue to do this month after month you’ll begin to see your bounce rates decreasing for the relevant keywords you are trying to optimize for. In addition, because your adding more relevant content to your site for each keyword your ranking for that keyword will improve and will continuously draw in more traffic!