Pin Now, Read Later – New Tool for Pinterest Business Accounts

Peter Reitano

Pinterest has introduced a great new tool for sharing information – article pinning. Pinterest has finally expanded into a new realm reflecting the idea that Pinterest is not just a tool for sharing pretty pictures and craft ideas; rather, it’s a social tool for sharing information.

Pinterest Business Accounts

Article pins reveal more information than your regular pin, containing the name of the article, author, a short description, and a link to the full version of the article. Not only does this new tool appeal to business accounts looking to share more than photo-based information, it’s great for authors and publishers. By pinning an article today and reading it later, Pinterest is helping to keep influential and well-written articles alive longer, rather than being buried and forgotten. Several major news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Huffington Post and The Guardian have already implemented the Pin It button on their online content.

In other Pinterest news, you may have noticed promoted pins on your pin feed, Pinterest’s newest step towards monetizing the social media mogul and appealing to advertisers. While still in the testing phase, these promoted pins are seemingly identical to regular pins, except for the small Promoted Pin label and their prioritization in search results.

What do you think of the new promoted pins and article pinning business tools? Could this be a push to get more male users on Pinterest? Will you create your own virtual reading room on the site? Tell us what you think!

Peter Reitano

An active participant and early adopter in the digital space, our President Peter has strong insight into online behaviour and social trends.

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