Recently, WebPro News discussed how fast Google is able to index content on the internet, specifically with blogs.
Depending on which index you’re trying to hit, your content could show up in Google’s search results in under two minutes. That appears to be limited to blogs, but the big one’s logging times faster than Domino’s Pizza.
For the past couple of weeks, search bloggers have been lobbing times back and forth, some clocking the latest entries popping up in as long as an hour, or as soon as 120 seconds.
Read the full article and you’ll be convinced. Adding a blog to your website and submitting topical, relevant and timely content will help you in the following ways:
- Add keyword rich content to your website
- Consistently deploy fresh content to your site encouraging the search engines to index your pages more frequently
- Increase the “stickiness” factor of your site by giving visitors a reason to check back frequently
- Increases the presence of your website on the internet by creating links in many places including but ot limited to technorati, bloglines, feedburner, delicious, etc.
If you have not considered adding a blog to your site there is no better time than right now. Contact your Internet Marketing Consultant right away, and they will help you get setup very quickly and easily. In fact we recommend WordPress and it’s free!