Let’s Ask Google: Why You Should Never EVER Buy Likes

Marta Boutchma

Google Likes

As a small business running a social media campaign, it’s hard not to be envious of the Fortune 500 companies who have millions of Facebook Likes. Your mere hundreds of Likes make you feel small and the self-pity starts kicking in.

Facebook likes

Assessing Your Self-Worth

First thing’s first: stop assessing your self-worth by your Facebook page Likes. Those hundreds of people? They actually care about your brand and what you have to say. They’re meaningful followers that have the potential to translate into strong leads if you nurture your relationship with them.

When you buy Likes from third-party sources, you are not doing yourself any favours. Instead, you’re drowning out your voice on social media to the people who actually care about what you have to say. Those people – the ones who actually care and the ones who would engage with your brand – they’re almost unrecognizable among the purchased Likes that will ignore your every post.

social audience

Reach and Engagement

Bought Likes don’t convert in leads. In fact, they make it harder for you to retain leads from your legitimate Likes. Why? Facebook’s reach has dropped to 1-2%. What does that mean for your business? Only 1-2% of people who actually Like your page will see your posts organically. You can’t control which of your Likes will see your posts.

So that post about a promotion that serves a niche local following? It may not even reach the followers who would benefit from it.


How to Legitimately Gain Likes

The first thing to do is to encourage those who use the services your business offers to Like your page. You can do this by advertising in-house, sending an e-blast to your newsletter subscribers, or talking to your customers about continuing an online conversation through Facebook.

The next step is to use your Facebook page daily so that someone interested has a reason to click that Like button – they want to stay up to date with your company or industry. Use it as an educational tool or a customer service tool. Show your Likes the personal side of your business and answer their questions or concerns. Start a conversation.

You can also consider running an ad campaign through Facebook that would direct targeted followers to your page. Like your Facebook page itself, ads require monitoring, strategizing, and writing effective copy to captivate potential leads. If you’re interested in running a Facebook ad campaign, contact us and we’ll help you set up a Facebook ad campaign to wow your leads.

Marta Boutchma

Marta is a Communications Coordinator, she executes social media campaigns and creates content for her clients.

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