This may be a little off topic, but I just had to write about it. I’m a voracious consumer of podcasts. In fact, my MP3 player is solely dedicated to podcasts, not music. One of my favorite podcasts is TWIT – This Week In Tech with Leo Lapporte. I love this show. However, from time to time Leo gets stuck on a particular topic for too long and just when I think to myself “get on with the show”, in comes John in his “cranky” voice to get everyone back on topic.
The latest episode of TWIT is no exception – towards the end of the show after about five minutes of audible book discussions John chimes in right when I needed him (almost as though he knew what I was thinking) with “ahhh, if we want to get back to the news…?“. (click the link to hear him!)
Thanks John, for keeping the show moving along!!