Google Analytics Individual Qualification – NEW!

Clive Lobo

Google announced a new Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) today on their Analytics Blog. For anyone who has a background in PPC, you will no doubt know the difference between obtaining the Google Adwords Qualified Individual certification vs. Google Adwords Qualified Company certification. If you aren’t familiar with these certifications, you can review the differences here

You can see a list of both Google Adwords Qualified Individuals and Companies here

Spark’s Adwords qualification is verified here

For quite some time, a company could become a Google Analytics Qualified Company by completing the following tasks:

– Provide comprehensive details of 3 verifiable, paid, expertly deployed Google Analytics projects with 3 different clients we can contact for reference. Case studies must demonstrate a familiarity with the full range of Google Analytics features, most notably ecommerce reporting, filters/funnels, advanced segment use, custom reporting etc. Please also provide examples of customizing code for your clients. Case studies should include ample text to convey the work undertaken and your methodologies for approaching such projects.

– You offer a range of stand alone paid services related to Google Analytics, including implementation, configuration, training, and consulting. Please list your current Google Analytics services and the approximate prices charged. (Also please include any training materials you present to your clients when doing GA training. This could include the agenda and course materials your clients can take home to use as reference after the class.)

– You must have a proven expertise in web analytics. Please list any speaking engagements at conferences, influential blogs, white papers, management bios, ad campaigns, marketing programs, and/or other evidence
demonstrating your expertise with analytics and your ability to evangelize web analytics.

– Provide a link to your website that prominently describes your stand alone Google Analytics services.

– If accepted into the program, you agree to send at least one employee to the Google Analytics Authorized Consultant summit at your own expense (generally held once per year over 4 days in Mountain View, CA, USA, covering technical, marketing and business topics as deemed appropriate by the GAAC team).

– You will provide a report (sent by Google to successful applicants) by the last day of each calendar quarter summarizing all Google Analytics projects you have worked on during the quarter (listing client names and results achieved).

– Have Professional Indemnity/Liability insurance as appropriate for your jurisdiction ($1m in the USA) – if this does not apply to your region, please disregard.

– You must represent a business (individuals do not qualify) and be legally incorporated to do business in your locality.

– Electronic customer support ticketing system to manage customer support requests.

Today, you can now take an individual test and qualify as – what I would call – a more “power user.” This is a great move for Google and encourages individuals to take their online training and write the exam. I expect Google will add a minimum level of users who have passed their IQ into the requirements for Company certification soon. Our plan will be to have a minimum of two of our internet marketing team members qualified.

Quick Points:
You need a 75% or above to pass (same as Google Adwords).
There is a “certificate” you can download at the end in .pdf format, no sign of a logo you can use yet 🙁
Certifications are valid for 18 months

Clive Lobo

Spark’s resident boss man, Clive possesses the very nature of an entrepreneurial spirit.

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