A recent client had us come up with a really simple way of allowing a group of people to bookmark content and share it through a corporate blog. So I thought about all my experience with RSS and WordPress and came up with an elegant and simple solution.
Step 1
- Create a Delicious bookmarking account
- Define your tags and make sure everyone knows what they are
- Filter on the tag and record the RSS feed for step 2
Step 2
- Install the Feed WordPress plugin
- Configure it by subscribing to the RSS feed from the delicious bookmark service
- Assign the subscription to a category on your blog and set all other desired preferences
Step 3
- Start bookmarking but remember to use the appropriate tag in delicious
- Confirm bookmarks are being published on the blog
Advanced Variations
You can make this a little more advanced in the following ways:
- Define multiple Delicious accounts and run each feed separately through Feed WordPress and assign them to each user account on the WordPress blog
- Define multiple tags and run each one through Feed WordPress to corresponding categories
- Use Yahoo Pipes to consolidate multiple feeds into one single Feed and run that through Feed WordPress. A perfect example of this is multiple delicious feeds as well as multiple Google Reader Shared Items Feeds!
By combining all of these tools together you end up with a very simple solution with very few steps for bookmarking content and sharing it through to your blog readers! If you want a little more help with setting up this solution ask your questions here and I’ll do my best to answer them.