After careful consideration we’ve decided to make two important enhancements to this blog. These enhancements, while easy to implement will make the experience of this blog far better for you our readers overall.
First, we’ve removed the NoFollow attribute on all comments. We’ve done this because we want to give some credit to those people who read the blog, and take the time write meaningful statements about it. Obviously we review all comments and keep the spam out. We feel this will encourage many more people to subscribe and actively comment on the blog and thereby provide an even richer more meaningful experience for everyone.
Second, we’ve allowed comments to be posted without registering. Registering is a hassle – and often times means the difference between someone commenting and not commenting. So we’ve removed the restriction. Again – we constantly review comments and we’ll remove spam to ensure only quality comments are made.
Like I said, these are not complicated changes. In fact there trivial to implement. However, we sincerely believe it will improve the overall useability, quality and awareness of the blog it’s valuable content
If you have any questions or comments about this change – please post them. You don’t have to register and you’ll get a dofollow link to your site.